
The Assassin is skilled in a myriad of methods of ending someone's life.
He has studied anatomy, poisons, and fighting styles over the course of
years in order to become the fearsome killer. He may not attain perfection,
but that doesn't mean you won't be dead.


Level 1: entrapment
Syntax: entrapment
entrapment list

Assassins use sophisticated traps to weaken their opponents before the
battle even begins. They disguise their traps as desirable treasures to
trick their enemies into activating them.

It is possible to set 1 trap per area. This max rises by 1 more trap every
10% the skill increases. A maximum of 5 traps can be set per area once the
skill has been mastered. Each trap will crumble away after 10 minutes or
when the Assassin leaves the area. If a trap kills a monster, the Assassin
will be rewarded with experience.

Traps do not work on monsters more than 10 levels above the Assassin and do
not work on monsters that are too low level to reward experience. Traps
will work against other PK players if the Assassin is in a player‑killing
house. The Assassin will receive a violent flag if another player sets off
a trap. Traps that damage will stop damaging the victim if the victim is
not in combat once they have reached 50% hitpoints, or 75% hitpoints if
it's a boss.

The command 'entrapment list' will list any existing traps, and logging out
of the game will demolish the traps.

Types of Traps

Root: A snare‑type trap that springs closed around the enemy's ankle,
trapping them in the room.

Dart: A dart which embeds itself into the enemy's skin and releases poison
into the bloodstream, causing damage over time (blood poison effect).

Dust: Explodes butterfly dust into the enemy's face, causing them to black

Cloud: Creates a black cloud of smoke, blotting out the enemy's vision.

Tripwire: When stumbled over, it causes an explosion to go off, harming the
enemy and making them 25% vulnerable to damage.

Sensor: This installation detects motion from as far as 5 rooms away once
entrapment has been mastered. It will send a ninja throwing star at random
targets, harming them. The damage is based on the Assassin's dexterity,
level, and skill mastery percentage.

Level 3: pressure point
Syntax: automatic

A skilled Assassin can both backstab his target and swiftly hit a pressure
point at the same time, causing the victim to become stunned.

Level 5: calculated hit
Syntax: automatic

Skilled assassins can swiftly dart behind their opponent's attack after
successfully parrying an attack and slit their throat open, killing the
opponent immediately. A claw or dagger must be wielded as the primary
weapon for this skill to activate, unless you have the Monk class. This
skill has a low chance to activate against NPCs and an even lower chance
against PCs. It will activate if the NPC is no more than 10 levels above
the Assassin or the NPC is not a boss. The proficiency will automatically
increase when the Assassin successfully slits the throat of their opponent.

Level 7: advanced blackjack
Blackjack Skill
Syntax: blackjack/bj

This skill, practiced by thieves, will attempt to blackjack the intended
target, causing them to black out for a short period of time, and leaving
them susceptible to being attacked. This skill can be used with a dagger or
a claw.

The more one knocks out a target, the harder it will be to knock them out
in each successive attempt.

Advanced Blackjack Skill
Syntax: automatic

Assassins are especially skilled in the art of hitting their victims in
precise regions on their heads to knock them out and cause a state of
confusion so that when the victim awakes and tries to attack, they will
miss a few rounds of combat until they recover their senses. The more
proficient the Assassin is, the longer the state of confusion will last.
If the Assassin waits too long to attack after blackjacking the victim,
the victim will recover from the dazed state.

Level 10: drug
Syntax: drug

Cooldown: 10 minutes

Over time, the Assassins developed a drug which boosts their damage and
dexterity for a short period of time to help them quickly dispatch their
targets. The higher their constitution is, the bigger the dose of the drug
they can safely ingest. The damroll is based on the skill proficiency and
the dexterity is based on their constitution.