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Treasure Hunt (Hard)

For the Treasure Hunt (Hard) event, you must acquire a map at recall from
the treasure chest by typing 'map'. Looking at the map will give you a list
of all 100 randomly scattered treasures, which rooms they are in but *not*
the area name. It is possible that a monster can pick up the treasure; in
this case, it will display which monster is carrying the treasure and the
room the monster is in. When a player picks up a treasure, the map's list
is automatically updated and you will see which item has been found and who
is carrying it. To win first place, you must find 20 treasures. For second
place, 10 are required, and third place requires 5. There can be multiple
winners for first, second, and third place. However, the restring token
will only be rewarded for first place if there is a single first place
winner. If you do not place, you will receive a questpoint reward in the
amount of 10*the number of treasures you found.

First Place: Questpoints (number of treasures found*20), a restring token, a
multi exp potion

Second Place: Questpoints (number of treasures found*15), a multiexp potion

Third Place: Questpoints (number of treasures found*10), a holy symbol

If all 100 treasures are found, everyone online will receive an IMM spellup
and 15 minutes of doubled questpoints.

There is an easy version of this event in which both the room and area name
are given on the map. Check out the event list for these events to read

If you log off during the event, you will still be rewarded for any
treasures you found during the event and you will receive a note about what
your rewards were.

Event results are announced on the Mudevent channel.

This event saves through game reboots.