Faith System

  • Deities:
  • Aelyn, Goddess of Nature, Growth, Beasts, Preservation, 106 members
    Kextra, Goddess of Crafting and Creation, 79 members
    Lucius, God of Adventures, Knowledge, and Survival, 39 members
    Tornadis, Goddess of Weather, Balance, the Cycle of the Seasons, Motherhood, Harvest, Storm, 10 members
    Aura, Goddess of Change, Magic, and Alchemy, 5 members
  • Recent activity:
  • Abbot Ruru created a map of Valley of the Titans (133 faith points). (0 minutes ago)
    Elder Rynn filled in a bestiary with his findings (39 faith points). (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
    Elder Roderick filled in a bestiary with his findings (42 faith points). (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
    Follower Ralts created a map of Realms of Delusion (116 faith points). (2 hours and 31 minutes ago)
    Nova joined Aura's faith. (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
    Elder Rynn filled in a bestiary with his findings (42 faith points). (3 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    Elder Roderick filled in a bestiary with his findings (24 faith points). (3 hours and 56 minutes ago)
    Abbot Ruru created a map of Jungle of Artemisia (69 faith points). (4 hours and 1 minute ago)
    Cardinal Rheenu created a map of Lankford Ruins (101 faith points). (4 hours and 10 minutes ago)
    Elder Rynn filled in a bestiary with his findings (27 faith points). (4 hours and 22 minutes ago)
    Elder Roderick filled in a bestiary with his findings (27 faith points). (4 hours and 42 minutes ago)
    Maerius ascended to rank Apostle of Kextra. (5 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    Deacon Maerius created a map of High Tower of Sorcery (180 faith points). (5 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    Acolyte Telas recovered Kextra's stolen offerings (30 faith points). (7 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    Sister Kalira recovered Kextra's stolen offerings (30 faith points). (8 hours and 2 minutes ago)
    Acolyte Telas recovered Kextra's stolen offerings (30 faith points). (8 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    Deacon Borgak filled in a bestiary with his findings (30 faith points). (9 hours and 3 minutes ago)
    Cardinal Kuldrick built a shrine in the name of Kextra (22 faith points). (9 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    Follower Ralts created a map of High Tower of Sorcery (180 faith points). (9 hours and 8 minutes ago)
    Abbot Bane created a map of SW Witch's Wood (142 faith points). (9 hours and 25 minutes ago)