House Details


Just when you think you know what we're up to, we change our minds. You
think you know what direction we'll go, what decision we'll make? How? We
don't even know until we have started acting. Honestly, we just want to
watch the world burn around us. Or do we?

OOC: Chaos is a "we do what we want because we feel like it" house.

There are no requirements for joining, but no guarantees you will get
accepted, either.

House skills and spells:

[1] A self‑cast spell that cuts the violent timer in half. (help violent)

[2] A self‑cast buff which makes you disappear from the scan command, and
when others type where, they only see your name with ??? Where the room
should be.

[3] A spell which curses all PK players (not in Chaos) in the area you are
in. It also sets both you and the other PKers as violent.

To join this house, visit the hall and type 'house join chaos' at the
Administer of the House. The cost is 25000 gold and 2000 questpoints to
join. Members who are inactive for 182 days or more are automatically
removed from the house.

To write a note to all in the Chaos house, simply set Chaos as the

Skill/Spell Name Level Cost Status
666 0 1 1 Locked
777 0 1 1 Locked
401 0 1 1 Locked
1045 0 1 1 Locked

Head of House

There is currently no head of house.

Num Male Rankings Num Female Rankings
[1] Maelstrom [1] Maelstrom
[2] Havoc [2] Havoc
[3] Snarl [3] Snarl
[4] Knot [4] Knot
[5] Rowdy [5] Rowdy

Num Member Lvl Rank
[ 1] Grazzt 151 Havoc
[ 2] Fenris 151 Havoc