House Details



The Church of Sacellum is dedicated to the victory of the benevolent over
the vile, and the advancement of those who worship at the altar of the
benevolent gods. To that end, we are prepared to do what needs to be done,
be it tending to our wounded bretheren, providing support for others who
share the cause, or taking up arms to directly crush the evil plaguing the


Sacellum is a "defend the good, destroy the evil" type guild, modeled after
the medieval catholic church, but can take a more direct approach to

To join, your character must be good align, or neutral with good tendancies.

House skills and spells:

[1] A self‑cast buff which boosts gold gains temporarily.

[2] A self‑cast buff which will cut damage taken by half in the first round
of battle if you are attacked first by another player. Does not work
against monsters.

[3] Access to the sanctuary spell.

To join this house, visit the hall and type 'house join sacellum' at the
Administer of the House. The cost is 25000 gold and 2000 questpoints to
join. Members who are inactive for 182 days or more are automatically
removed from the house.

To write a note to all in the Sacellum house, simply set Sacellum as the
recipient of the note.

Skill/Spell Name Level Cost Status
330 0 1 1 Locked
1045 0 1 1 Locked
902 0 1 1 Locked
389 0 1 1 Locked

Head of House

/home/erion/.mud/data/pc_id.txt not found!

There is currently no head of house.

Num Male Rankings Num Female Rankings
[1] Serf [1] Serf
[2] Adept [2] Adept
[3] Monk [3] Monk
[4] Bishop [4] Bishop
[5] Pope [5] Pope

Num Member Lvl Rank
[ 1] FearlessDuck 52 Adept
[ 2] Crom 151 Adept