Camlorn the Untitled Witch
Camlorn is a 30 year old male who has spent 262 hours in the world.
Camlorn was born on Thu Apr 23 21:14:17 2020.
Camlorn is a medium‑sized level 75 Lich of neutral alignment.
Camlorn is a Necromancer(L.75) / Voodooist(L.10), Warrior(L.73) / Mercenary(L.10).
Camlorn can teach skills and spells up to 55% proficiency.
Camlorn has 0 arena kills and 0 arena deaths.
Camlorn has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Camlorn has killed 41617 total monsters and died 77 times.
Camlorn has killed 1744 unique monsters.
Camlorn has killed 16175 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Camlorn has 116 global quest wins.
Camlorn has completed 1369 quests, 285 expeditions, 72 junkyards, and 0 pilgrimages.