Chorra is a 193 year old female who has spent 3532 hours in the world.
Chorra was born on Sat Jan 12 06:34:50 2019.
Chorra is a medium‑sized level 116 Weretiger of neutral alignment.
Chorra is a Psionicist(L.115) / Mentalist(L.5), Gaian(L.116) / Druid(L.1).
Chorra can teach skills and spells up to 60% proficiency.
Chorra has 0 arena kills and 0 arena deaths.
Chorra has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Chorra has killed 19106 total monsters and died 259 times.
Chorra has killed 1210 unique monsters.
Chorra has killed 6543 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Chorra has 151 global quest wins.
Chorra has completed 386 quests, 68 expeditions, 0 junkyards, and 0 pilgrimages.