Felicity Check my bio for buffs and things.
Felicity is a 798 year old female who has spent 15630 hours in the world.
Felicity was born on Thu Feb 10 23:23:42 2022.
Felicity is a large‑sized tier 2 level 151 Final Evo Human of good alignment.
Felicity is a Cleric(L.151) / Shaman(L.10), Mage(L.151) / Planewalker(L.10).
Felicity can teach skills and spells up to 80% proficiency.
Felicity is married to Kong.
Felicity has 0 arena kills and 0 arena deaths.
Felicity has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Felicity has killed 10537 total monsters and died 52 times.
Felicity has killed 1585 unique monsters.
Felicity has killed 370 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Felicity has 35 global quest wins.
Felicity has completed 2788 quests, 113 expeditions, 68 junkyards, and 117 pilgrimages.