Lafayette check my bio for how I may be of service
Lafayette is a 307 year old sexless who has spent 5808 hours in the world.
Lafayette was born on Sun Aug 14 17:34:58 2022.
Lafayette is a medium‑sized tier 9 level 151 Final Evo Vampire of good alignment.
Lafayette is an Illusionist(L.151) / Mirage(L.10), Witch(L.151) / WhiteWitch(L.10).
Lafayette can teach skills and spells up to 80% proficiency.
Lafayette has a bounty of 108666 gold on its head.
Lafayette is married to Callon.
Lafayette has 0 arena kills and 3 arena deaths.
Lafayette has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Lafayette has killed 26152 total monsters and died 70 times.
Lafayette has killed 2592 unique monsters.
Lafayette has killed 12557 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Lafayette has 25 global quest wins.
Lafayette has completed 2618 quests, 74 expeditions, 10 junkyards, and 538 pilgrimages.
Lafayette is from behind you.