Necrefresh is a 17 year old male who has spent 6 hours in the world.
Necrefresh was born on Mon Oct 30 18:05:51 2023.
Necrefresh is a medium‑sized level 25 Vampire of evil alignment.
Necrefresh is a Necromancer(L.25), Thief(L.3).
Necrefresh can teach skills and spells up to 55% proficiency.
Necrefresh has 0 arena kills and 0 arena deaths.
Necrefresh has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Necrefresh has killed 437 total monsters and died 14 times.
Necrefresh has killed 146 unique monsters.
Necrefresh has killed 437 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Necrefresh has 1 global quest win.
Necrefresh has completed 19 quests, 1 expedition, and 0 junkyards.