Pheerblue is a 434 year old male who has spent 8355 hours in the world.
Pheerblue was born on Wed Jan 18 21:44:37 2023.
Pheerblue is a medium‑sized tier 23 level 151 Final Evo Vampire of evil alignment.
Pheerblue is a Necromancer(L.151) / Diabolist(L.10), Cleric(L.151) / Venomist(L.10).
Pheerblue can teach skills and spells up to 80% proficiency.
Pheerblue has a bounty of 106666 gold on his head.
Pheerblue has 0 arena kills and 0 arena deaths.
Pheerblue has 0 war kills and 0 war deaths.
Pheerblue has killed 109507 total monsters and died 48 times.
Pheerblue has killed 2593 unique monsters.
Pheerblue has killed 80697 monsters while playing in hardcore mode.
Pheerblue has 100 global quest wins.
Pheerblue has completed 20621 quests, 4215 expeditions, 1 junkyard, and 240 pilgrimages.
Pheerblue's website is serp
Pheerblue is from malaysia.